jeudi 12 mars 2015


The pizza is a delicacy typical of Neapolitan cuisine [1], today, with the pasta, the best known of Italian gastronomy. With this name, virtually unknown beyond the city walls Neapolitan, even in the nineteenth century, is indicated cakes, almost always sweet. It was only since the early nineteenth century that took the pizza, always in Naples, its current connotation, following the worldwide success of the dish, led by extension, to define in the same way any similar preparation. [2] EtymologyThe etymology of the name "pizza" (which is not necessarily linked to the origin of the product) derives according to some, to grip (the Neapolitan language), past participle of the Latin verb pinsere or the verb "pansere", ie crush, crush, press [3] which would result from Pita Mediterranean and the Balkans, of Greek origin (πίττα, from greek πηκτός or "fired" [4]); according latter case the word derives from the Hebrew פיתה, from Arabic كماج and greek πίτα, which also belongs to the same category that pita bread or buns (see also History of pizza).Recent studies [5] accredit, over Greek origin, also other hypotheses, that the word derives from the Germanic (Gothic or Lombard) High German of Italian Bizzo-lace (from which even in modern German Bissen " bite "," piece of bread "," piece of cake "). This view is also confirmed from the diffusion of the original word, which would coincide with the kingdom and the duchies of Spoleto and Benevento. However, the widespread presence in the Balkans pita, induces J. Kramer, [6] reported the same source, to look into the origin of Italian greek πίτα "pita", which then "pizza" for crossing with "piece "or" crazy. "More recently (2007) scholars Mario Alinei and Ephraim Nissan proposed Semitic etymology of the word "pizza" [7]. In fact, these arguments seem contradictory, but being a food so popular etymology and original archaic word is not obvious. The debate among the greatest scholars is still open and must cover the thesis presented.OriginMain article: Main article: History of pizza.The pizza has a long, complex and uncertain. In absolute terms, the first written records of the word "pizza" date back to the Vulgar Latin of the city of Gaeta in 997 [8]. A later document, written on parchment lamb, lease certain land and dated January 31, 1201 on the back of this at the library of the diocese of Sulmona-Valva, shows the word "pizzas" repeated twice. However already in antiquity buns crushed, and not leavened, were disseminated to the Egyptians, the Greeks (maza) and the Romans (offa and placenta).Although it is now a popular product in almost all over the world, pizza is an original dish of Italian cuisine. In common feeling, often, this term refers to the round pizza topped with tomato and mozzarella, which is the best-known variant of the so-called Neapolitan pizza, the pizza Margherita. The real origin of pizza is however controversial: in addition to Naples, other cities claim paternity, for example Genoa [citation needed]. There is, moreover, also a broader meaning of the word "pizza". In fact, since in the final analysis of a particular species of bread or cake, the pizza is presented in countless derivations and variations, changing name and characteristics according to the different local traditions.Type for preparationRound pizzaRound pizza served in the pot already and cut into four segmentsFor the round pizza dough [vague], previously leavened in single portions, is spread in the form of disc, variously seasoned and cooked in contact with the floor of a hot oven. It is the best known and consumed in the world and is known precisely or even classic pizza Neapolitan pizza.Typical in several Italian regional cuisines, has become famous as a Neapolitan cuisine. The city of Naples has played an important role in fact in the history of pizza, creating and exporting this specialty which is now the most widespread in the world (see sec. "Where do you eat pizza"). For this reason, it still uses the term "pizza" as a synonym for "round pizza" although its characteristics are often different from those of the Neapolitan tradition.Especially outside of Italy instead of bread dough mixes are often used more fat and sometimes sweet; the dressing is always plentiful and varied widely depending on local customs. Spreading the mix in the form of a disk can be done with the use of a rolling pin or, preferably, hand turning and pulling the balls of leavened dough on a work surface or air maneuvers. Specialists of the latter method are the acrobatic pizza makers.Pizza slicesPizza slices in TrastevereFor the pizza slices or pan pizza the dough is stretched, seasoned and cooked in large pans of round or rectangular metal and then put on display to be sold by weight chosen by the customer or, at home, eaten in slices. The sale of this variety of pizza is widespread not only in the pizzerias true, even in bakeries.Since the pizza pan must be kept on display and possibly heated requires the use of aqueous mixtures very well in these conditions will not dry but give the best of taste. For this purpose are used flour strong and specific regeneration processes that add to the mixtures a higher percentage of water, up to 90%. [Citation] This also has an advantage from the economic point of view being the pizza sold in some cases in weight (for example, this method is the most widespread in the city of Rome).Pizza to the bladeThe pizza to the blade, as the pizza pan, is a large pizza on display and sold by weight but his cooking is done, like the round pizza directly on the oven floor.One of its variants is pizza by the meter.Type to geographical origin"True" Neapolitan PizzaMain article: Main article Neapolitan pizza.A wood-burning oven. Typical and unique ways of cooking pizza Neapolitan and SicilianFood truck in New York - all powered by alternative energy sources - which sells authentic Neapolitan pizzasProcessing and ingredients of Neapolitan pizza crafts are defined in the UNI 10791: 98 and have been prepared by the True Neapolitan Pizza since 1984 promotes the knowledge of Neapolitan pizza artisan and is the promoter of the UNI 10791: 98 and the specification of the Pizza Napoletana STG produced according to the Neapolitan tradition. [9]The Neapolitan pizza is the only type of pizza Italian recognized at national and European level. From 4 February 2010, in fact, is officially recognized as a traditional specialty guaranteed the European Community. [10]It comes as a round pizza dough from soft and high-sided (ledge). Such swelling of the cornice is due to air, which during the manipulation of the dough moves from the center outwards. Classic Neapolitan dough is not allowed any kind of fat. Only water, flour, yeast (beer or natural) and salt. In closer tradition provides only two variants as regards the dressing:

    Pizza marinara: with tomato, garlic, oregano and olive oil.
    Pizza Margherita with tomato, mozzarella STG strips, buffalo mozzarella DOP diced or Fior di latte or Provola smoked bell, basil and extra virgin olive oil.The cooking of the Neapolitan pizza, finally, is always and exclusively through the use of the wood stove and then never using other cooking methods such as the oven. Today the Neapolitan pizza is one of the most common dishes in the world and is present in almost all restaurants and local Italian cuisine abroad with the name pizza or pizza Napoli.Sicilian pizzaMain article: Main article: Sicilian pizza.The pizzòlu Solarino and SortinoIn Sicily there are several variations linked to the rural culinary tradition that differ too much from the pizza itself. In Palermo has spread the sfinciuni, focaccia with soft bread crumbs, onion, cheese and 'strattu ie sun-dried tomato paste. In Catania is widespread everyday use of the outcast, originally, in the eighteenth century, just over the Christmas period, consisting of a first layer of dough, Tuma and salted anchovies, desalted or in the version the peasant, with potatoes, sausage, broccoli , black pepper, tomato and Tuma. In both cases, ends with a second layer of dough, and fired after a brushed with egg.In the province of Catania, especially in Zafferana and Viagrande, the typical Sicilian pizza, a calzone fried soft dough filled with cheese, anchovies, mushrooms and other ingredients. In Syracuse Province, especially in the municipalities of Solarino and Sortino, you can enjoy the pizzòlu, a kind of round pizza stuffed. In the province of Messina is cooked the traditional piduni, small fried or baked calzone stuffed with vegetables and is also present the cake to Messina, which is traditionally prepared in a pan with vegetables, cheese, tomato and anchovies. In Ragusa prepares the casts.Pizza FoggiaThe kitchen Foggia, while retaining elements typical of Puglia, received great influence from the traditional Neapolitan cuisine [citation needed]. For this reason, the characteristics of the pizza foggiana are almost similar, at least in appearance, in the Neapolitan; rigorously cooked in a wood oven, round in shape, soft and edges quite high with the difference that is used as tomato typical of Tavoliere or MurgiaRoman pizzaThe Roman pizza is a round pizza dough from very thin and crispy. The dough is made with wheat flour type 00 or 0, water, yeast (or sourdough), olive oil (or to get a pizza crisper using seed oil) and salt in proportions such that it is hard and consistent, so often make it necessary to prepare with a rolling pin. Spread starting precisely from the capital only after the last war, is called Naples variant spices with tomato, mozzarella and anchovies. The books of traditional Roman cuisine, would seem to confirm that the variant with the anchovies is their custom in the capital; the Roman pizza, according to the same recipe, should also include shredded basil, pecorino cheese and pepper.Pizza GenoveseMain article: Main article Pizza Genovese.The Genoese pizza is pizza pan pasta rather high and soft, made with wheat flour, water, salt, yeast, and sometimes a little milk. After rising is stretched by hand directly into the pan and baked in the oven, preferably wood. Comes from focaccia.Pizza MarcheThe pizza dish that can be enjoyed in the restaurants of the Marche is not different from that prepared in all other regions. To find a pizza typically Marche you have to go in the shops specialized in the preparation of pizza slices, which it sells to the piece and not by weight as elsewhere. This pizza is the heir of crescia, with which it shares the presence of lard in the dough, pizzas that in other regions is always absent. This does not mean that you also prepare pizza with olive oil, as you do in cacciannanze ascolana [11], but that the alternation between these two condiments is normal.The variants are four traditional: white with rosemary, white onion, red and easy red with mozzarella. In addition, but only during the winter, you can also find the tasty pizza with grasselli [12]. It is a winter training because grasselli are residues of melting lard and therefore are only available in conjunction with the pig slaughter, between November and January. [13] Also the commonly bakeries prepare the pizza (with olive oil or lard), but is thicker and softer than that of the pizzerias.MiscellaneousCalzoneChicago-style pizzaIn Naples, the so-called closed pizza, pizza that is well seasoned and covered by the same pasta, calzone is also called, but later other varieties of calzone with a different type of pasta were designed and prepared in nearby Puglia.Pitta chjinaEven in Calabria is preparing something similar when you bake bread. Species in the past, with the bread "normal" for the family, it was often a chjina pitta (pitta stuffed, where pitta is a general name for a loaf of bread). This product has the appearance of a pizza closed, ie formed from two layers of dough with the filling inside them. Also called "pizza chiena", "pizza fragula" or "pizza frangula". The name "pizza fragula" was widespread in areas of Contursi Terme and Battipaglia.PanzerottoA small pizza is closed panzerotto, which can be baked or fried in a pan.Pizza abroadAmerican pizzaEven in America the pizza had its evolution until the pizza American characterized by softness and considerable seasoning. Not seldom the mixture are added butter or margarine (or other types of fats) and sugar.In the last years of the twentieth century has gone by stating also gluten-free pizza, prepared with flour, not wheat-based, suitable for those suffering from celiac disease

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