Highlights of the ceasefire agreement eastern Ukraine
Event Date: February 12, 2015
Location: Minsk
Event Type: cease-fire agreementThe agreement provides for a cease-fire east of Ukraine and the establishment of a buffer zone and the withdrawal of heavy weapons (Associated Press)Part

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The leaders of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia reached an agreement in Minsk, capital of Belarus on February 12, 2015 provides for a cease-fire east of Ukraine and the establishment of a buffer zone, and the withdrawal of heavy weapons.
The main points of the agreement:
- Ceasefire: parties to the conflict committed to halt bilateral ceasefire with effect from February 14(2015) at midnight Kiev time (22:00 GMT) in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.
- Withdrawal of weapons: document stipulates the withdrawal of all heavy weapons by the parties, in order to establish a buffer zone in depth fifty kilometers to 140 kilometers, depending on the type of heavy weapons. The previous agreements provide for the establishment of zone width thirty kilometers.
In order to establish this expanded region, the document demands that the Ukrainian army withdraws artillery cut for the front line of the current reality to the west line compared to September / September, due to gains rebels on the ground since then.
The document calls for the rebels to withdraw to the front line at that time, and not in September / September. Thus the land, which was brought under control within the newly expanded buffer zone effectively.
We must begin to withdraw heavy weapons days after a maximum of entry into force of the ceasefire that expires after 14 days.
The document also requires the withdrawal of all foreign armed groups and military equipment and mercenaries from Ukrainian territory under the control of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
- The release of the hostages: Under the document release of all prisoners and hostages held since the conflict began in April / April 2014.
This requirement has already been put in previous agreements, but did not meet only partially, and another heavy exchange of hundreds of prisoners were in late December / December 2014.
- Political Dialogue: The new document -aly similar agreements Alsabakh- to stimulate dialogue in order to organize local elections in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, and to determine the future status of the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. It also should be an amnesty for fighters involved in the conflict.
- Lift the economic blockade: document shows that are supposed to identify "action" in order to restore economic and social relations, including the payment of pensions between areas controlled by Ukrainian forces and those areas controlled by the rebels, and the Ukraine re-work its banking system in areas of conflict.
- Border control: should rests entirely in Ukraine forces "all areas of conflict" after the organization of local elections.
- New Constitution: The document provides for the preparation of a new Ukrainian constitution by the end of 2015, provides for "decentralization" in the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk in agreement with the representatives of the two regions.