jeudi 12 mars 2015

New leak from the interference of Sisi Libyan affairs

 Broadcast "Panorama Libya," a new channel audio leak attributed Brigade Abbas Kamel Abdel Fattah al-Sisi director's office when he was defense minister in Egypt.
Shows infusion telephone conversations between Abbas and full-Sisi and a number of Egyptian military commanders regarding the Libyan affair and the actors in it.
Abbas full and warns of the consequences of the infusion prejudice judicial or security coordinator Ahmed howitzer blood Libyan-Egyptian relations in the era of Gaddafi, because it is "cooperating with us," in the words of the whole.
Shows infusion Major General and former intelligence chief military Mahmoud Hijazi tells Sisi telephone affiliation of the former president of the National Conference year in Libya Nuri Bo two shares of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Bo arrows insisted on the presence of the Libyan ambassador in Cairo meeting with Sisi because of disagreements with the former Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan.
In infusion with full military is responsible for a huge shipment of weapons weighs eight tons occur is sufficient to load a plane, and the number of varieties and cutting weapon was being prepared for shipment to the destination.
It also occurs in the entire infusion for the arrival of a private plane carrying Mohammed Dahlan -mufsol of the Palestinian Liberation Movement (Fatah) - Full recommends directed from the airport secretly.
Last month was the channel "Libya Panorama" has aired an audio leak attributed to the Office of Sisi reveals secret cooperation between Cairo Libyan political figures of the coup on the General National Congress (parliament) last year.
In recent months aired several leaks to the entire conversation between Abbas and Sisi and other Egyptian officials show their intervention in Libya or the judicial affairs of the Egyptian or the exploitation of public interests or foreign grants and aid.

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